Flexible LED video system 30mm, 55% transparent, IP 65: ROE LINX 30
Please let us advise you! Tel. 06541 4825, Mr. Weisskopf
Price per 250 x 1,000mm strip Absolutely flexible, very light, weatherproof LED video system in the 30mm Pixelpitch ROE Linx 30
This makes it easy and fast to hang large normal video clips, LED video surfaces, but also the most varied curved creative surfaces are possible We have thus built simple straight stage LED rear walls, but also small video "tons" hung with 60cm diameter The hitherto largest width in one piece was 60m, maximum height was so far 20m 1,200 strips of H250 x V 1,000 are available, further LED elements in the same BIN can be worried In addition everything what accessories are needed - prices on request
Price per 250 x 1,000mm strip Furthermore: to be able to be rented is ensured, repair service, spare parts service
Подробнее: https://luxpro.ua/p31457-svetodiodnaya_led_golova_rush_mh_11_beam
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